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Natural Fishery Cultivation: The Silvofishery Programs with The National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia

Our CEO, Bimo Soewadji, and the Acting Head of PRLTB-BRIN, Dr. Handy Chandra, recently signed a partnership agreement for an upcoming silvofishery project.

In recent years, the global community has expressed growing concern over the serious consequences of climate change. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has taken proactive steps to empower coastal communities in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change. The increasing global temperatures and substantial global warming associated with climate change have significantly impacted environmental quality and human life.

In an attempt to address the impending challenges brought about by climate change, BRIN, through the Center for Environmental Research and Clean Technology (PRLTB), has initiated collaboration with CarbonEthics to optimize research and application of silvofishery for mangrove and seaweed conservation, specifically in  Brebes, Cilacap, and Indramayu. The primary goal of this research lies in enhancing carbon absorption potential while bolstering the economic and business aspects of coastal communities. The signing of this landmark collaboration occurred at the B.J. Habibie Science and Technology Area in Tangerang Selatan (18/12).

Collaboration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Dr. Handy Chandra, the Acting Head of PRLTB BRIN, emphasized that this partnership signifies a strong commitment from BRIN and its allies to counteract the impact of climate change. He also highlighted the opportunity for intellectual and economic augmentation through this joint research endeavor. Silvofishery, also known as Wanamina, is a strategic planting mechanism of mangrove forest vegetation alongside seaweed cultivation to be utilized as the natural pond for fish and shrimp. It offers a viable strategy for climate change mitigation and adaptation:

  • Enhancing the carbon absorption potential from mangroves and seaweed

  • Preserving biodiversity in mangrove forest ecosystem

  • Producing organic and high-quality fisheries 

  • Increasing the local communities’ socio-economic condition through income source diversification

Not only does this collaborative effort strengthen climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies but also boosts both academic and economic productivity for researchers. CEO of Carbon Ethics, Agung Bimo Listyanu, underscored the vast potential of mangroves and seaweed as a potent solution to counter the impacts of climate change. With the fusion of expertise from BRIN researchers and their experience in empowering coastal communities, he expressed optimism in generating substantial economic value from this initiative.  "We hope that with our experience in empowering coastal communities combined with the expertise of BRIN researchers, we can generate economic value," said Bimo.

CarbonEthics will continue to restore nature through research, mangrove planting, local community development, and project development. That’s why CarbonEthics promotes impactful collaboration with various stakeholders from government to private sectors.

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