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Invest in Climate Action with Nature-Based Carbon Project

Driving economic and social impact by harnessing nature-tech to restore the climate balance

Natural climate solutions offer up to 37% of the mitigation needed between now and 2030 to keep global temperature rise below 2°C.

Nature-based Carbon Projects are initiatives that harness the power of natural ecosystems–such as forests, wetlands, and soils, to absorb COâ‚‚ from the atmosphere and store it in biomass and soil. These projects utilize natural processes to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems to address societal challenges, including climate change and promote biodiversity.

Invest in our high-quality nature-based carbon project to sow competitive returns in the future.

What is Nature-based Carbon Project?

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Benefits beyond Carbon

Nature-based projects provide benefits for stakeholders economically, socially, and environmentally.

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Carbon Project Development in Indonesia Provide Social Benefits
Carbon Project Development in Indonesia Provide Environmental Benefits

Economic Benefits

Seize the opportunity for financial gains from nature-based project development through the sales of carbon credits.

Social Benefits

Give impact to local communities through your project by creating job opportunities and/or creating creative economy-based products.

Environmental Benefits

Foster sustainable forest & land management to restore climate balance by preserving biodiversity and utilizing it as natural carbon sinks.

Develop Your Nature-based Carbon Project with Us

Choose one of our project development services or opt for our end-to-end project development solution.

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Feasibility Study for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia
PDD Development Service for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia
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Pre-Feasibility Study

An initial assessment of the potential carbon credit and revenue on your land. We evaluate legal and environmental data to determine the project eligibility of your land.

Feasibility Study

Field assessment on your land to collect data about carbon, living organisms, local community, potential risks, and how to manage them. These assessments will confirm the carbon quality and quantity on your land.

PDD Development

A Project Design Document (PDD) compiles all information needed to meet the requirement of carbon standards and certification, which includes an overview of your current land condition, potential carbon, to its economic value.

Carbon Certification Service for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia
Carbon Credit Selling Service for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia
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Project Lead Execution

End-to-end project development from planning, execution, monitoring, and reporting.


Carbon Certification

Assist in submitting required documentation and data to get certification through a carbon standards and certification body and authorized project audit for your carbon project.

Carbon Credits Selling

Facilitate the selling of carbon credits from your project and assist in the transaction process.


Need more information? Schedule an immediate call with us

Pre FS Calculator

Check out your Project's Potential

Use our FREE Pre-FS Calculator to assess your project's eligibility, potential carbon credits, and economic valuation.

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Why CarbonEthics?

Expert Team and Government Collaboration for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia

Our environmental team works closely with the government, climate scientists, local communities, and relevant experts to ensure the quality and impacts of each project.

Experts Team & Government Collaboration

MRV and Transparent Monitoring for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia

CarbonEthic's in-house Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) solution offers accurate and integrated carbon monitoring.

MRV & Transparent Monitoring

Maximum Social Impact for Carbon Project Development in Indonesia

We believe local communities are the heart of environmental preservation. That’s why we involve them in our climate projects and develop community empowerment projects.

Maximum Social Impact

Best Carbon Project Development in Indonesia

Reach Us

Our skilled and agile team is here to answer your questions and would like to hear about your potential project.

Thanks for contacting us! We will get back to you shortly

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